Audrey Tautou

Audrey Tautou is the youngest of four kids born August 9, 1976, at Beaumont Puy of Domme. Audrey Tautou's parents who were a dentist and a school teacher helped and encouraged her passion for acting and theatre. She initially hoped to become a master monkey was replaced by a desire to pursue a degree in theater and drama. The rise of her as an actress in her early years was rapid and accompanied by early success. When she finished her education She was a part of the French show for spotting talent Jeunes Premiers that was sponsored by Canal+. She won the Best Young Actress award at Beziers Festival of Young Actors and started her career as an actress. Tautou attended the Institut Catholique de Paris, went to church as a young girl and was brought up Catholic. But she is now separating herself from the Catholic tradition. Neben her acting, Tautou pursued modelling and was the spokesperson in the advertising campaign for L'Oreal Mont Blanc as well as Chanel. In the past, during the Arles Arts Festival, she displayed the collection of her photographs with the title Superficial. Her photos are mostly about famous people and celebrities. Also, they include a collection of self portraits and also. Audrey Tautou's debut part, playing Amelie Poulain's leading actor in Le Fabuleux d'Amelie poulain, earned her fame to the world. Amelie won international acclai box office success and was acclaimed at awards ceremonies all over the world. It's the highest-grossing French film to be released in the United States. Following this massive success, Tautou starred in numerous films, which included British dramas like Stephen Knight's Dirty Pretty Things and Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Un long dimanche de fiancailles. She also starred alongside Tom Hanks in Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code directed by Dan Brown.

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